5 steps to keep your dog safe during fireworks
Did you know more dogs go missing on July 4th than any other day of the year? We hope these easy tips help keep you and your goldendoodle sa

Howl-o-ween Contest Winner Announced
The votes are in! Thanks to everyone who entered Doodle of NC's Halloween Dog Costume Contest! See who won the Viewer's Choice &

Enter Howl-o-ween Dog Photo Contest
Slip your pup into a cute outfit for your chance to win a $10 Starbucks or Target Gift Card! (1) SUBMIT photos on Doodles of NC Facebook pag

Top 5 Questions for Goldendoodle Puppy Breeders
Over the years we’ve taken note of the top questions prospective families ask about Goldendoodles.  In case you are in the market, we hope t

What is the disposition of a Goldendoodle?
Learn why the intelligence and trainability of the Poodle and the loveable personality of the Golden Retriever make Goldendoodles a top bree

Are Goldendoodles good family pets?
If you are considering adding a new fur baby to your family, you certainly want to check out the breed's compatibility. Will you be able...